Jaap's Mechanical Calculators Page

Comptometer Advertisements

Advertisements U.S.A.
  1888-1903: Wooden Model
  1903-1906: Model A
  1906-1913: Model B, Model C
  1913-1915: Model E
  1915-1920: Model F
  1920-1938: Model H, Model J
  1934-1950: Model K
  1940-1950: Model M
  1950-1957: Models 3D11, 992
  1957-1961: Customatic (616CE)
  Other products

Advertisements from other countries
  New Zealand
  United Kingdom
  The Netherlands

There are many online archives of newspapers and magazines. On this page I will show various advertisements about the Comptometer or Felt & Tarrant that I have found in such online archives and a few other online sources. If you find any others in the archives of your own country, then please let me know at mechcalc a t jaapsch d o t net.

These advertisements are shown here for educational and research purposes only, and no copyright infringement is intended. If you are the copyright owner of any image, and object to its presence here, let me know.

There are a few Comptometer ads that I physically own copies of and have scanned myself, and they can be seen in the Advertisements section of the Comptometer Promotional Material page.

Articles relating to the Comptometer or Felt & Tarrant from newspapers and magazines can be found on the Comptometer Articles page.

Advertisements U.S.A.

1888-1903: Wooden Model

1889-10-05 Scientific American
1889-11-16 Scientific American
1890-05-03 Scientific American
1890-07-12 Scientific American
1890-09-27 Scientific American
1891-03-21 Scientific American
1891-05-30 Scientific American
1891-10-17 Scientific American
1892 all arithmetical problems
1892-07-02 Scientific American
1892-07-30 Scientific American
1892-08-27 Scientific American
1892-11-05 Scientific American
1892-12-24 Scientific American
1893-05-26 Science
1893-06-10 Graphic
1893-06-10 Scientific American
1893-06-21 Puck
1893-11-25 Scientific American
1894-01-13 SciAm
1894-03-03 SciAm
1894-05-12 SciAm
1894-06-16 SciAm
1894-08-04 Scientific American
1894-11-10 Scientific American
1895 all arithmetical problems
1895 the great arithmetic machine 2
1895 the great arithmetic machine
1895-05 Harpers
1895-10-07 Evening Bulletin (Hawaii)
1895-10-16 Evening bulletin (Hawaii)
1897 mistakes in addition
1897 saves half the time
1899 adding multiplying 2
1899 adding multiplying
1899 addition multiplication and division
1899 addition multiplication
1899-03-01 Free Lance
1901-12 System
1901-12-14 Scientific American
1902 mr bookkeeper
1902 The Cost of Production - Watts
1903-07-18 Scientific American

1903-1906: Model A

1904-10-22 Scientific American
1904-12 System
1904-12-17 Scientific American
1904-12b System
1905-01 Popular Science Monthly
1905-01 The World's Work
1905-03 Popular Science Monthly
1905-03 The World's Work
1905-04-15 Scientific American
1905-06-06 The Evening News (Virginia)
1905-06-17 Scientific American
1905-07 business man's magazine
1905-07 System
1905-08-19 Scientific American
1905-10-21 Scientific American
1905-10-31 The sun (New York)
1905-11 business man's magazine
1905-11-04 The sun (New York)
1905-12 System
1906-01 System
1906-01-13 Scientific American
1906-02 System
1906-02-10 The Evening News (Virginia)
1906-04 McClure's
1906-05 System
1906-05 Technical World Magazine
1906-06 System
1906-06-09 Scientific American
1906-07 business man's magazine
1906-07-08 The Minneapolis journal
1906-08 business man's magazine
1906-09 business man's magazine
1906-11 business man's magazine
1906-11-17 Scientific American
1906-12 business man's magazine
1907-01 System
1907-01-05 The Literary Digest
1907-01-12 Scientific American
1907-02 System
1907-03 System
1907-03-09 The Literary Digest
1907-05 Factory
1907-05 System
1907-05-11 The Literary Digest
1907-06 System
1907-06-08 Scientific American
1907-07 System
1907-08 System
1907-09 System
1907-09b System

1906-1909: Model B
1909-1913: Model C

1907-09-15 Evening star (Washington DC)
1907-11 System
1907-11 The Businessman's Magazine
1907-11-09 Scientific American
1907-11-16 The Literary Digest
1907-12 System
1907-12b System
1907 not worth saving
1908-01-04 Scientific American
1908-04-04 Scientific American
1908-06 System
1908-07 System
1908-08 System
1908-08-01 Scientific American
1908-09 System
1908-10 McClures
1908-10 System
1908-11 System
1908-11-07 The Literary Digest
1908-12-05 Colliers
1908 what would it be worth to you
1909-01 Pacific monthly
1909-01 System
1909-01-30 Scientific American
1909-02 System
1909-03 System
1909-03-20 The Literary Digest
1909-04 System
1909-04-24 Scientific American
1909-05 Pacific Monthly
1909-05 System
1909-05-01 Scientific American
1909-06 System
1909-09-25 Colliers
1909-09-25 Scientific American
1909-09-26 New-York tribune
1909-10-30 The Saturday Evening Post
1909-11-27 Scientific American
1909-12-26 Evening star (Washington DC)
1910-01-23 New-York tribune
1910-03-28 The Saturday Evening Post
1910-04 Factory
1910-05 Factory
1910-05-21 Literary Digest
1910-06 Factory
1910-07 Factory
1910-08 Factory
1910-08-28 New-York tribune
1910-09 Factory
1910-10 Factory
1910-11 Factory
1910-12 Factory
1910-12 System
1910 why is the comptometer the best
1911-01-14 The Saturday Evening Post
1911-02-09 Leslie's Weekly
1911-06 System
1911-07-22 Omaha daily bee
1911-09 Factory
1911 abbott motor company
1912-02 Business
1912-02-04 New-York tribune
1912-03 Business
1912-04 Business
1912-04-06 Collier's
1912-05 Business
1912-06 Business
1912-06 Business
1912-07-06 The Literary Digest
1912-09 Business
1912-09-07 The Literary Digest
1912-09-21 The Dry Goods Reporter
1912-10-19 The Dry Goods Reporter
1912-11-16 The Dry Goods Reporter
1912-11-23 The Literary Digest
1912-11-24 Evening star (Washington DC)
1912-12-21 The Dry Goods Reporter
1913-02 Factory
1913-03 Factory
1913-04 Factory
1913-05 Factory

1913-1915: Model E

1913-06 Factory
1913-06-01 New-York tribune
1913-12 System
1914 Modern instruments and methods of calculation
1914 Saturday Evening Post
1914-01 Business
1914-03 Greater Efficiency - The Journal of Efficiency Society
1914-04-18 The Literary Digest
1914-05-09 The Saturday Evening Post
1914-06 System
1914-07 Business
1914-09-12 Real estate record and builders' guide p439
1914-12 System
1915 Professional ethics as they apply to the practicing accountants and to the students-at-accounts

1915-1920: Model F

1916-02-19 The Literary Digest
1916-04-01 The Literary Digest
1916-05-27 The Literary Digest
1916-09 Factory
1916-09-23 The Literary Digest
1916-10 Factory
1916-10-14 The Literary Digest
1916-11 Mining Congress Journal
1916-11 Factory
1916-11-18 The Literary Digest
1916-11-20 The Independent
1916-11-20 The Indepentent Magazine
1916-12 Factory
1916-12-11 The Independent
1916-12-12 The Indepentent Magazine
1916 whats the use
1917-01-15 The Independent
1917-01-15 The Indepentent Magazine
1917-02-19 The Independent
1917-02-19 The Indepentent Magazine
1917-03-31 The Literary Digest
1917-04-04 Gazette Times
1917-04-12 The Morning Oregonian
1917-04-19 The Morning Oregonian
1917-04-26 The Morning Oregonian
1917-05-03 The Morning Oregonian
1917-05-04 Evening public ledger (Philadelphia)
1917-05-05 The Literary Digest
1917-05-10 The Morning Oregonian
1917-05-17 The Morning Oregonian
1917-05-18 The evening world (New York)
1917-06 System
1917-06-29 Indianapolis News
1917-09-13 The Morning Oregonian
1917-09-20 The Morning Oregonian
1917-09-22 Literary Digest
1917-09-27 The Morning Oregonian
1917-10-04 The Morning Oregonian
1917-10-11 The Morning Oregonian
1917-10-18 The Morning Oregonian
1917-10-25 The Morning Oregonian
1917-10-27 Colliers
1917-11-01 The Morning Oregonian
1917-11 Nations Business
1917-12 Nations Business
1917-12 System
1917 timken roller bearing company
1918-01 System
1918-02 System
1918-02-16 The Indepentent Magazine
1918-03 System
1918-03-16 The Indepentent Magazine
1918-04-04 Indianapolis News
1918-04-20 The Indepentent Magazine
1918-05 System
1918-06 System
1918-06-08 Indianapolis News
1918-07-25 Indianapolis News
1918-07-27 Indianapolis News
1918-07c Office Appliances
1918-08 System
1918-08-28 Indianapolis News
1918-09 Office Appliances
1918-09-03 Indianapolis News
1918-09-11 Indianapolis News
1918-11 System
1918-12 Office Appliances
1918-12-21 The Literary Digest
1919-01 Office Appliances
1919-01-25 The Literary Digest 2
1919-01-25 The Literary Digest
1919-02 Office Appliances
1919-03 Office Appliances
1919-03-22 The Literary Digest
1919-04 Office Appliances
1919-05 Office Appliances
1919-05-31 The Literary Digest
1919-06 Office Appliances
1919-09-03 The Morning Oregonian
1919-09-06 The Literary Digest
1919-11-08 The Literary Digest
1919-12-22 Indianapolis News
1920-02-07 The Literary Digest
1920-10-30 The Literary Digest

1920-1927: Model H
1928-1938: Model J

1920-05-29 The Literary Digest
1920-06 System
1920-07 System
1920-08 System
1920-08-12 Indianapolis News
1920-09 System
1920-09-04 The Literary Digest
1920-10 System
1920-11 System
1920-11-15 Indianapolis News
1920-12 Office Appliances
1920-12 System
1921-01 Office Appliances
1921-02 Office Appliances
1921-03 Office Appliances
1921-03 System
1921-03b Office Appliances
1921-04b Office Appliances
1921-05 Office Appliances
1921-05 System
1921-05b Office Appliances
1921-06c Office Appliances
1921-06d Office Appliances
1921-07 Office Appliances
1921-07 System
1921-08 System
1921-08b Office Appliances
1921-09 System
1921-10 Office Appliances - The Magazine of Office Equipment
1921-10 System
1921-11 System
1921-12 System
1921-12-15 The Review
1921 Fitting the machine to the job
1921 reynolds knight
1921 topping valuation and engineering company
1922-01 System
1922-04 System
1922-08 System
1922-09 System
1922-10 System
1922-11 System
1922-12 System
1923 yellow cab company
1925-08 Nations Business - Boosts Production 25%
1925-10 Nations Business - Save on the big investment by increasing production
1925-11 Nations Business - Peak loads in figure work
1925 soo line railroad company
1927-04 Nations Business - If you are not getting an average
1927-05 Nations Business - Demand Proof
1927-06 Nations Business - Let us prove it
1927-09 Nations Business - It pays to standardize
1927-10 Nations Business - There is no other Comptometer
1927-11 Nations Business - Not a flash demonstration but a real test
1927-12 Nations Business - Why theorize about it?
1928-03 Nations Business - Which is the Better Way?
1928-04 Nations Business - Comptometer proof reveals the truth
1928-05 Nations Business - How Roxana cut figure work costs
1928-09 Nations Business - Argument proves nothing
1928-10 Nations Business - When Profits Shrink
1928-11 Nations Business - The Economy of Speed in Figure Work
1929-03 Nations Business - Faster operators means cheaper figure work
1929-04 Nations Business - The Comptometer offers
1929-05 Nations Business - The Comptometer-Plus
1929-09 Nations Business - How the Controlled-Key Safeguards Accuracy
1929-10 Nations Business - Organize Your Figure Work for High Speed Production
1929-11 Nations Business - Speed with Accuracy Reduces Figure Work Costs
1930-03 Nations Business - What would be your answer?
1930-05 Nations Business - Rest you decisions on Comptometer Data
1930-09 Nations Business - If you were putting machine figuring on a piecework basis
1930-10 Nations Business - Keep an eye on the office
1930-11 Nations Business - Sales Analysis the low cost way
1930 keep an eye on the office 2
1930 keep an eye on the office
1930 watch your accounting costs
1931-03 Nations Business - Nothing is more important to business than the figures of business
1931-04 Nations Business - Comptometer speed cuts figure work costs
1931-05 Nations Business - Isn't it time to look into office costs?
1931-09 Nations Business
1931-11 Nations Business - Saved $8400 a year
1931 theres the weak spot
1932-01 Nations Business - 4 of every 5
1932-02 Nations Business - The peg-board will give you quicker figures
1932-03 Nations Business - Are you paying too much for sales-analysis information?
1932-04 Nations Business - Centralized figure-work cut costs 37%
1932-05 Nations Business - We consider that our Comptometers are worth $448000 increase in sales
1932-06 Nations Business - This comany now gets quicker sales reports at lower costs
1932-11 Nations Business - The peg-board will give you quicker figures
1933-02 Nations Business - No sales manager can know too much about  his salesmen's sales
1933-03 Nations Business - Everything under constrol!
1933-10 Nations Business - Cost Figures More imporatnt than ever today!
1934-01 Nations Business - How much will it cost to do Business in 1934?
1934-02 Nations Business - How are your Costs Figured?
1934-03 Nations Business - Fit your Figure Work to Comptometer Peg-Board Forms
1934-05 Nations Business - These acts determine your profits
1934-06 Nations Business - In business as in flying you must have Control
1934-09 Nations Business - The control of a great ship depends on Figures
1934-10 Nations Business - Business as well as Engineering is controlled by accurate figures
1934 take your choice
1936-01 Nations Business - Comptometers handle the figure work for all our stores
1936-03 Nations Business - How Globe-Union Mfg Co cuts figuring costs
1936-06 Nations Business - Our men find Comptometers easy to operate
1936-09 Nations Business - Up go speed and accuracy Down go figure work costs
1936-10 Nations Business - Payrolls can't wait
1936-11 Nations Business - Monthly reports six days earlier
1937-01 Nations Business - High speed and unvarying accuracy
1937-03 Nations Business - New Simplified Payroll Method
1937-04 Nations Business - Figures must be ready on time so this company uses Comptometers
1937-05 Nations Business - United Air Lines increasingly dependent upon Comptometers
1937-07 Nations Business - Problem: Social Secutiry Figure Work, Solution: New Simplified Payroll Method
1937-09 Nations Business - Comptometer economy convinced Briggs
1937-10 Nations Business - Memphis Power & Light Company reports better than 50% savings with Comptometer methods
1937-11 Nations Business - Fast delivery demands fast figure work so Sheffield Farms Company chooses the Comptometer
1938-02 Nations Business - Comptometer methods make figures come clean
1938-04 Nations Business - Comptometer methods make clean sweep of Hoover Figure Work
1938-06 Nations Business - Comptometer keep Eastman Kodak Co. figures in focus
1938-11 Banking
1938-12 Banking 1
1939-01 Nations Business - Swift & Company nation-wide users of Comptometers
1939-02 Nations Business - Parable made to order for your business
1939-03 Banking
1939-03 Nations Business - Comptometer iron out Inland Steel figure-work problems
1939-04-15 Forbes
1939-05 Banking
1939-07 Banking
1939-07 Fortune
1939-08 Nations Business
1939-09 American Business
1939-09 Banking
1939-09 Nations Business - Modern methods for a modern office building
1939-10 Banking
1939-11 American Business
1939-11 Banking
1939-11 Fortune

1934-1950: Model K

Note that this electric comptometer was available at the same time as the manual models J and M, so this section shows only those ads that specifically show or mention the model K.

1934-11 Nations Business - Announcing the new Electric Comptometer
1934-12 Nations Business
1935-01 Nations Business - Comptometer accuracy leads in either type you choose
1935-02 Nations Business - The line that leads to quicker cheaper more complete figures
1935-03 Nations Business - Comptometer control gives you quick vital analyses of business operations
1935-04 Nations Business - You get your operating figures on time with Comptometer business control
1935-05 Nations Business - Comptometer control gives timely figure for flexible profitable operation
1935-06 Nations Business - Comptometer methods bring coordinated control to business
1935-09 Nations Business - Saved $3600 a year through Comptometer Control
1935-10 Nations Business - Best management tool we ever had
1935-11 Nations Business - Flexibility and Simplicity
1935-12 Nations Business - They are getting figures 5 days earlier
1936-02 Nations Business - The golden anniversary of the first practical calculating machine
1936-04 Nations Business - How the United-Carr Fastener Corp reduces figure-work costs on Sales Payroll Expense Distributions
1936-05 Nations Business - Comptometer methods speed Kraft Cheese Figure work
1936-12 Nations Business - First Comptometers says this General Electric Division
1937-02 Nations Business - 2 3/4 million items checked each month
1937-06 Nations Business - The Comptometer saves many thousands of dollars for the Atlantic Refining Company
1937-08 Nations Business
1937-12 Nations Business - Why they choose the Comptometer
1938-03 Nations Business - Comptometer does master job for Zenith
1938-05 Nations Business - How Comptometer Serves The Timken Roller Bearing Co.
1938-07 Nations Business - Figures while they're HOT!
1938-09 Nations Business - Comptometers streamline Budd Companies' figure work
1938-10 Nations Business - Comptometer keep C & O figure work on fast schedule
1938-11 Nations Business - R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company applies Comptometer economy
1938-12 Nations Business - Comptometer weave figure-patterns for Cannon Mills
1939-02-04 The Business Week
1939-04 Nations Business - Education for owners and executives who say My business is different!
1939-05 Nations Business - Electric Auto-Lite Company enthusiastic about Comptometer economy
1939-06 Nations Business - Let's get down to brass tacks on this matter of Comptometer economy
1939-07 Nations Business - This booklet tells you how and why the Comptometer peg-board saves money
1939-10 Nations Business - More brass tacks concerning Comptometer economy
1939-10 The New York Certified Public Accountant
1939-11 Nations Business - Standard of Indiana: 2000 petroleum products, 4000 bulk distributing stations, 605 Comptometers
1939-12 Nations Business - More brass tacks concerning Comptometer economy
1939 a billion trillion dollars
1939 Macys Sells for Cash
1940-06 Nations Business - Model K electric Comptometer
1940-10 Nations Business - Model K electric Comptometer

1940-1950: Model M

1940 Hiya Doc
1940 it suits him
1940 Prince Louis the Fourteenth
1940 the skys the limit
1940 Try This On Your Comptometer
1940-01 Nations Business - Model M cushioned-touch Comptometer
1940-02 Nations Business - Model M cushioned-touch Comptometer
1940-03 Nations Business - Model M cushioned-touch Comptometer
1940-04 Nations Business - Uncle Ira is a screwball
1940-05 Nations Business - Model M cushioned-touch Comptometer
1940-07 Nation's Business
1940-08 Nation's Business
1940-09 Nations Business - Model M cushioned-touch Comptometer
1940-11 Nations Business - One way to reduce figure-work costs
1940-12 Nations Business - Easier read answers for greater speed and accuracy
1941 how many is precious few
1941 how many legs has a dog
1941 little grains of sand
1941 what is pi
1941 what makes fishermen liars
1941-01 Nations Business - To a news photographer Cheesecake means pictures like this
1941-02 Nations Business - To a seaman Soojee means to wash paint
1941-03 Nations Business - To an angler Mickey Finn means a lure
1941-04 Nations Business - To an army pilot Dodo means a cadet who hasn't soloed
1941-05 Fortune
1941-05 Nations Business - To a logger Cat-Skinner means a tractor operator
1941-06 Nations Business - To a hunter Timber Doodle means a woodcock
1941-07 Nations Business - Progress and Profits
1941-08 Nations Business - Simple Arithmetic
1941-09 Nations Business - Here I am in love with a machine!
1941-10 Nations Business - I could tell you Big Shots a thing or two about figure work!
1941-11 Nations Business - My boss makes the lousiest puns!
1941-12 Nations Business - The boss admitted his conscience hurt him!
1942 Hot
1942 Infinity is one inch long
1942 lucky for us they had devil pups
1942 Ready Aim
1942 skin a jap
1942-01 Nations Business - I said Go ahead and fire me!
1942-02 Nations Business - They tell me tanks are important machines, too!
1942-03 Nations Business - Mr Mfgtch helps to keep'em flying
1942-04 Nations Business - It's on Two Shifts for victory!
1942-05 Nations Business - ... will win the war!
1942-06 Nations Business - Business as unusual
1942-07 Nations Business - Hot?
1942-08 Nations Business - Take you time Jake!
1942-09 Nations Business - The man who never had to have his suit pressed
1942-10 Nations Business - Cancel this ad! You can rent Comptometer equipment!
1942-11 Nations Business - This isn't necessary You can rent Comptometer equipment!
1942-12 Nations Business - This isn't necessary You can rent Comptometer equipment!
1943 penguin
1943 prelude to panzers
1943 scared kid
1943 some ghost
1943 und pass the intuition
1943 want to hear a joke about a tailor 2
1943 want to hear a joke about a tailor
1943 whats a worm worth
1943-08 Nations Business - Terry the horse with the Comptometer mind
1943-09 Nations Business - This isn't necessary You can rent Comptometer equipment!
1943-10 Nations Business - This isn't necessary You can rent Comptometer equipment!
1943-11 Nations Business - This isn't necessary You can rent Comptometer equipment!
1943-12 Nations Business - These men know something about scrap!
1944 Bombardier
1944 talking about rain
1944 that aint hay
1944 when i get mad i bawl
1944-01 Nations Business - The Arabs had a number for it!
1944-02 Nations Business - No. Don't try it this way!
1944-03 Nations Business - Can you get'em across the river?
1944-04 Nations Business - No. Don't try it this way!
1944-05 Nations Business - Must have heard he qualifies for a new Comptometer!
1944-06 Nations Business - I'm no hero
1944-07 Nations Business - No. Don't try it this way!
1944-08 Nations Business - No. Don't try it this way!
1944-10 Nations Business - No. Don't try it this way!
1944-11 Nations Business - Big wind
1944-12 Nations Business - No. Don't try it this way!
1945-01 Nations Business - I'll trade you this Russian Ruble for that Chile Centavo
1945-02 Fortune
1945-02 Nations Business - Don't try it this way!
1945-03 Nations Business - How to wake up... the hard way
1945-04 Nations Business - Don't try it this way!
1945-04-27 The United States News
1945-05 Nations Business - Slogan wanted
1945-06 Fortune
1945-06 Nations Business - Don't try it this way!
1945-07 Nations Business - You-boat
1945-08 Nations Business - All the comforts of air-conditioning
1945-08-17 The United States News
1945-09 Nations Business - No reservation required
1945-09-14 The United States News
1945-10 Fortune
1945-10 Nations Business - Keep this under your hat
1945-11 Nations Business - May I assist you Sir?
1945-11-09 The United States News
1945-12 Nations Business - inventory
1946-01 Financial Executive
1946-01-04 The United States News
1946-02 Financial Executive
1946-02-01 The United States News
1946-03 Financial Executive
1946-03 Fortune
1946-04 Financial Executive
1946-04 Fortune
1946-05 Financial Executive
1946-05-06 Newsweek
1946-06 Financial Executive
1946-06-21 The United States News
1946-07 Fortune
1946-07 Nations Business - Why worry about reconversion?
1946-08 Nations Business - Who says a needle's hard to find?
1946-08-16 The United States News
1946-09 Nations Business - You too can have an upswept hair-do!
1946-09-13 The United States News
1946-10 Nations Business - Suppose they wore price tags?
1946-10-11 The United States News
1946-11 Nations Business - Between the debbil and the deep blue sea
1946-11-08 The United States News
1946-12 Fortune
1946-12 Nations Business - Every single record a solo!
1947-01 Financial Executive
1947-01 Fortune
1947-02 Financial Executive
1947-02 Fortune
1947-03-10 Newsweek
1947-03-22 Business Week
1947-04 Financial Executive
1947-04 Fortune
1947-05 Financial Executive
1947-05 Fortune
1947-06 Financial Executive
1947-06 Fortune
1947-06-30 Newsweek
1947-07 Fortune
1947-08 Financial Executive
1947-08-15 The United States News
1947-09 Financial Executive
1947-09 Fortune
1947-10 Fortune
1947-10-04 Business Week
1947-11 Financial Executive
1947-11-17 Newsweek
1947-12 Financial Executive
1947-12-05 The United States News
1948-01 Nations Business - It won't flag an ocean liner
1948-01-02 The United States News
1948-01-30 The United States News
1948-02 Nations Business - Scissors missing?
1948-03 Fortune
1948-03 Nations Business - It won't take the place of steak
1948-04 Fortune
1948-04 Nations Business - Something for the kiddies
1948-05 Fortune
1948-05 Nations Business - It won't woo the fans of Joan Glamour
1948-06 Nations Business - Charity Bazaar Kisses
1948-06-28 Newsweek
1948-07 Nations Business - Dilemma on Wheels
1948-07-16 U.S. News & World Report
1948-08 Nations Business - Anybody know the score?
1948-08-23 Newsweek
1948-09 Nations Business - No help for Binksie!
1948-09-20 Newsweek
1948-10 Financial Executive
1948-10 Fortune
1948-10 Nations Business - No, no, senator!
1948-11 Fortune
1948-11 Nations Business - Another injun bites the dust
1948-12 Nations Business - How long is 30 days?
1948-12-13 Newsweek
1949-01 Financial Executive
1949-01-10 Newsweek
1949-02 Nations Business - What could they do in your office?
1949-02-07 Newsweek
1949-03-07 Newsweek
1949-04 Dun's Review
1949-04 Fortune
1949-04 Nations Business - Hey, who's the salesman around here?
1949-05 Dun's Review
1949-05-02 Newsweek
1949-06 Nations Business - Could you use him in your office?
1949-06-27 Newsweek
1949-07 Financial Executive
1949-07-25 Newsweek
1949-08 Financial Executive
1949-08-22 Newsweek
1949-09 Dun's Review
1949-09 Financial Executive
1949-09 Nations Business - It takes a bit of practice...
1949-10 Financial Executive
1949-10-01 Business Week
1949-10-29 Business Week
1949-11 Fortune
1949-12 Financial Executive
1949-12 Fortune
1950-01 Financial Executive
1950-02 Financial Executive
1950-02-13 Time
1950-03 Financial Executive
1950-03-13 Time
1950-04 Dun's Review
1950-04 Financial Executive
1950-05 Dun's Review
1950-05 Financial Executive
1950-06 Financial Executive
1950-07 Financial Executive
1950-07 Fortune
1950-07-31 Time

1950-1957: Models 3D11, 992

1950-09-18 Time
1950-10-30 Time
1950-11-20 Time
1950-12-18 Time
1951-01 The Journal of Accountancy
1951-01-15 Time
1951-02 Financial Executive
1951-02-12 Time
1951-03-12 Time
1951-04 Financial Executive
1951-04-14 Business Week
1951-05-12 Business Week
1951-06 American Business
1951-06-09 Business Week
1951-09 Financial Executive
1951-09-24 Time
1951-10 American Business
1951-10-22 Time
1951-11-19 Time
1952-01 Financial Executive
1952-01-14 Time
1952-02-11 Time
1952-03-24 Time
1952-04-25 US News  and World Report
1952-05-19 Time
1952-06-16 Time
1952-09 Financial Executive
1952-09-22 Newsweek
1952-10 American Business
1952-11 Financial Executive
1952-11-10 Time
1953-02 American Business
1953-03-16 Time
1953-04-27 Time
1954-01 American Business
1954-01 Dun's Review
1954-02 Dun's Review
1954-02 Financial Executive
1954-03 American Business
1954-03 Dun's Review
1954-04 Dun's Review
1954-04 Financial Executive
1954-05 American Business
1954-05 Dun's Review
1954-09-13 Newsweek
1955-01 Administrative Management
1955-01 Dun's Review
1956-02 Nations Business - The mightiest little workhorse in business
1956-06 American Business
1956-09-29 Telephony
1956-10 Nations Business - World-famous Comptometer, Speed, Accuracy, Quick answers
1956-10-27 Telephony
1957-02 Financial Executive

1957-1961: Customatic (616CE)

1957-04-22 Newsweek
1957-05 Nations Business - The new Customatic Comptometer has more!
1957-05-15 Telephone Engineer and Management
1957-07 American Business
1958-02-17 Newsweek
1958-04 Nations Business - The Comptometer Customatic
1958-05 The Office
1961-03 The Office
1961-04 Dun's Review
1962-06 Nations Business - Only calculator so simple you can use it in the dark! Victor Automatic Printing Calculator

Other products

1954-1961: Dictation machines

Felt & Tarrant bought the Dupli-Voice company in order to diversify to other office machinery. The Dupli-Voice was a dictation machine that was renamed the Comptometer Dictation Machine, and then the Comptometer Commander.

1953-10 The Office
1953-11 Office Appliances
1954-03 Dallas
1954-04 Office Appliances
1954-08 Office Appliances
1954-10 Financial Executive
1954-12 Office Appliances
1955-02-21 Life
1955-03 Administrative Management
1955-04 Nations Business
1955-04-25 Time
1955-08 Administrative Management
1955-08 Nations Business
1955-09 ABA Journal
1955-10 Today's Secretary
1956-03 Nations Business - Automatic dictation is here! Comptometer Commander
1956-03 Today's Secretary
1956-11 Business Education World
1957-02 ABA Journal
1957-02 Business Education World
1957-05-20 Newsweek
1957-11 ABA Journal
1957-09 Nations Business - Dictation, now error free; Comptometer Commander
1959-04 Nations Business - All controls in your hand; Comptometer Coronet
1960-04 The Office
1960-11 The Office
1961-05 The Office

1955-1961: Comptograph 202

The Comptograph 202 was a 10-key adding-listing machine. It was actually made by Walther, imported and rebranded for the American market.

1955-03 Financial Executive
1955-04-18 Newsweek
1955-06 Dun's Review
1955-07 Administrative Management
1955-09 Dun's Review
1955-10 Administrative Management
1956-01 American Business
1956-01 Dun's Review
1956-01 Nations Business - Figures faster than you think; Comptograph
1956-03 Financial Executive
1956-10 Nations Business - The new Comptograph 202M
1956-11 Nations Business - The new Comptograph 202M
1957-01 The Journal of Accountancy
1957-06 Nations Business - The new multiplying Comptograph 220 M
1957-07 The Journal of Accountancy
1957-10 Nations Business - The Comptometer Comptograph 220 M
1958-02-22 Business Week
1958-03 The Office
1958-09 Nations Business - The Comptograph 202M
1959-03 Nations Business - Beats even an abacus; The Comptograph 202M
1959-09 American Business
1961-04 The Office
1961-05 Business Management

1959-1961: Electrowriter

The Electrowriter was a precursor to the Fax machine. It had flat area on the top that is covered by paper from a roll. When drawing or writing in that area, this would be sent by telephone to another Electrowriter, where a stylus copied the movements of the pen. Communication could go in either direction, and the idea was that it could be used as a collaboration tool for working at a distance. This product was considered the most valuable asset when the Comptometer Corporation merged with Victor. To see this in action, take a look at this Dutch newsreel about an efficiency exhibition.

1959-11-07 Telephony
1960-03-05 Telephony
1960-07 Signal
1961-03 Management and Business Automation
1961-04-16 Hospitals
1961-05-13 Telephony
1961-09 Business Automation
1961-09-01 Telephone Engineer and Management
1961-09-23 Telephony
1961-12-09 Telephony


Felt & Tarrant had run Comptometer schools, and this continued until the end. In their drive to diversify, Felt & Tarrant / Compometer Corporation bought several smaller businesses.

1952-01 Quill
1956-02 TV Radio Mirror
1957-09 CTA Journal
1959-09 Instrument Society of America Journal
1960-05 Instrument Society of America Journal
1960-06-18 Telephony
1960-07 Instrument Society of America Journal
1961-11 Metal Progress
1961-11-22 Electronic Design

Advertisements from other countries


1894-04-10 Barrier Miner (NSW)

An early advert for the Comptometer.
(1894-04-10 Barrier Miner, NSW)
1910-03-11 The Daily News (Perth)

Advert by Peacock Bros. for checking stock sheets by Comptometer.
(1910-03-11 The Daily News, Perth)
1910-07-02 The Argus (Melbourne)

Comptometer training, with a guaranteed position to every graduating pupil.
(1910-07-02 The Argus, Melbourne)


Here are various ads mostly taken from Busyman's Magazine (1907) later renamed Maclean's Magazine (1913-15).

1907-04 busymans
1907-05 busymans
1907-05 Macleans
1907-06 busymans
1911-10 macleans
1913-09 macleans
1913-11 macleans
1913-12 macleans
1914-01 macleans
1914-02 macleans
1914-03 macleans
1914-05 macleans
1914-06 macleans
1914-07 macleans
1914-08 macleans
1914-09 macleans
1914-11 macleans
1914-12 macleans
1915-05 macleans
1915-06 macleans
1915-07 macleans
1915-08 macleans
1915-10 macleans
1915-11 macleans
1915-12 macleans
1920-02-28 Ottawa Citizen

New Zealand

Here are some ads taken from the New Zealand newspapers the Auckland Star and the Evening Post. It is interesting that two companies both claim to be the sole agents for the Comptometer.

1918-10-02 Auckland Star (NZ), More work to do and fewer to do it
1918-10-10 Evening Post (NZ), Send over a Comptometer Operator
1918-10-16 Auckland Star (NZ), Send over a Comptometer Operator
1918-10-29 Evening Post (NZ), When the Work of Three is Left to Two
1918-11-22 Evening Post (NZ), One Girl Does the Work of Four Clerks
1918-11-23 Auckland Star (NZ), One Girl Does the Work of Four Clerks
1919-09-19 Evening Post (NZ), All right down to here
1920-01-07 Evening Post (NZ), To Public Accountants and Auditors

United Kingdom

In around 1917 Herbert E. Robbins became the sole representative of Felt and Tarrant in the UK. His 1921 advert calls attention to the new Comptometer booklet "A Great Step Forward" that was sent to many businesses. The booklet can be seen in my collection of Promotional Materials.

1910-10-31 Evening News (London UK)
1916-04-15 Western Mail (UK)
1916-05-13 Western Mail (UK)
1916-05-27 Western Mail (UK)
1916-06-10 Western Mail (UK)
1916-06-24 Western Mail (UK)
1916-07-29 Newcastle Daily Chronicle (UK)
1917-11-22 Western Daily Press (UK)
1918-04-19 Pall Mall Gazette (UK)
1920-01-27 Western Daily Press (UK)
1921-02-15 Dundee Courier


1892-06-29 Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung

A very early advert for the Comptometer
(1892-06-29 Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung)


1906-01-10 Kauppalehti
1906-10-10 Hufvudstadsbladet
1907-03-06 Kauppalehti
1907-03-13 Kauppalehti
1907-05-15 Kauppalehti
1907-08-14 Kauppalehti
1908-05-07 Vasabladet
1909-04-07 Kauppalehti
1909-04-14 Kauppalehti
1909-07-14 Kauppalehti
1909-12-16 Kauppalehti


1921-05-05 Le Matin
1921-05-16 L'Intransigeant
1921-06-02 L'Intransigeant
1922-08 La Cordonnerie francaise
1924 de la qualite, from eBay


1929 Organisation Zeitschrift


1934 italian ad, from eBay

The Netherlands

Some of the ads refer to a Business Efficiency exibition at which the Comptometer was not present, and these ads were usually placed right next to an article about that exhibition. In those cases I have tried to include the article in the image as well.

1909 De ingenieur nr 45
1909-03-29 Algemeen Handelsblad, Don't break your head
1909-09-17 Algemeen Handelsblad (Netherlands)
1911-05-10 De Telegraaf, Companies at the International Exhibition of Office Equipment and Administration
1916-05-27 De Groene Amsterdammer, Controlled Key Duplex Comptometer
1916-07-22 De Groene Amsterdammer, Controlled Key Duplex Comptometer
1916-12-23 De Groene Amsterdammer, Inventaris en Balans - Controlled Key Duplex Comptometer
1919-01-29 Algemeen Handelsblad, A shipment of model F Comptometers
1919-01-30 Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, A shipment of model F Comptometers
1919-02-01 Het Centrum, A shipment of model F Comptometers
1919-05-03 Het Centrum, Move with the times advert
1919-12-03 Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indie
1920-07-20 De Preanger-bode
1922-12-22 De Telegraaf, Comptometer operator wanted at De Bijenkorf
1923-11-01 De Maasbode
1926 De tentoonstelling op het gebied van de openbare en particuliere bedrijfsadministratie
1926-03-17 Algemeen Handelsblad
1926-03-18 Algemeen Handelsblad
1926-03-18 Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant
1926-03-19 De Telegraaf
1926-03-21 Algemeen Handelsblad
1926-03-24 Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant
1927-10-11 De Maasbode
1927-10-19 Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, Comptometers used at Philips and K.L.M.
1929-09-19 Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant
1930-11-21 De vrijdagavond - joodsch weekblad
1935-09-12 Algemeen Handelsblad, Super Totalizer and electric Model K
1935-09-12 De Telegraaf, Super Totalizer and electric Model K
1938-03-24 Algemeen Handelsblad
1938-03-24 De Maasbode
1938-03-25 De Telegraaf, Warning about Factory Rebuilt Comptometers


1927 Russian
1930 Russian

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