Jaap's Psion II Page

Software written by others

This is collection of software for the Psion Organiser II was was written by various people. If you are the author of any software included here and object to its presence, then contact me ( ).
My own software can be found on a different page.

Games, Puzzles, and other Amusements Tools and Utilities Software for PC

Games, Puzzles, and other Amusements

AdventureCM/XPJames MahaffeyPort of the classic adventure game.
City of AlzanCM/XPJames MahaffeyMini adventure game.
BagelsLZDave WoolnoughA Mastermind game.
BiorytmCM/XP/LZBjörn FeltenCalculate your biorhythm levels.
Connect 4LZTony SpencerThe classic Connect 4 game.
Flip-SideLZChristophe GuillouxA Lights-Out puzzle game played on a 4x6 board.
GPackLZMick AndonFour games: Quadris, Pacman, Breakout, Tiles.
GPack ShellLZZac SchroffA shell for the GamesPak which preserves your calculator memories, and keeps two best scores for each of the four games.
HamuLZJames MahaffeyThe classic economic-system simulation program Hamurabi.
Hang LZLZMick AndonHangman and an Anagram game.
Hang XPCM/XPDarren LaceyVersion of the above Hangman/Anagram game for the CM/XP.
InvadersLZBjörn FeltenShoot down the approaching alien invaders, avoiding shrapnel and missiles.
InvaderCM/XPL. BlanchardA space invaders game for the CM/XP.
LZMazeLZMick AndonA game in a 20x20 maze.
MastermindXPJonathan HurwittMastermind. You have 16 guesses to guess the 4-digit code. Optional sound.
Mastermind LZLZAndon & HurwittMastermind. The XP version above ported to LZ by Mick Andon.
MastermindLZL. BlanchardA simple version of Mastermind for the LZ.
MataCM/XP/LZDenis LadouceurGame to teach kids simple arithmetic.
MazeLZZac SchroffA maze game, with a save/load position facility.
Organised Trivia!LZGlyn PollingtonA Trivial Pursuit game with over 800 questions.
PacmanLZL. BlanchardThe game of Pac-Man.
PianoCM/XPDenis LadouceurPlay tunes on the Psion's keyboard.
RacerLZMick AndonA neat racing game.

Tools and Utilities

AnnivLZLennert SluykA complete birthday and yearly event package.
Anniv99LZLennert SluykUpdated version of Anniv, a complete birthday and yearly event package.
AstroLZJames MahaffeyAstronomical utility programs that calculate location of major sky features at any time.
BackallLZ+PCRenato BuzziBackup and Restore utility.
BacResLZ+PCNils-Christian HaugenAnother backup and Restore utility.
Bin2DecCM/XP/LZPhilip BisterConvert binary numbers to decimal and vice versa.
BorderLZGlyn PollingtonSet the border shown around a 2-line CM/XP program when run on the LZ.
CpwrtCM/XP/LZAlexandre BouillotSet copy- or write-protection on a datapack.
DartsCM/XP/LZLennert SluykA darts computer for keeping track of scores and proposing finishes.
DateLZBob BarnettCalculates the number of days between two dates.
Design-XPXPDave WoolnoughUtility for designing UDGs.
DiceLZElmar HeimesUse the Organiser as a 6-sided die.
DumpPackCM/XP/LZBoris CornetTransfer pack via comms link to an OPK file on PC.
Date ScanLZA. J. JamesonProgram to keep track and be reminded of annually recurring events.
DTMF diallerLZA. J. JamesonAuto-dialler that can use the Organiser's built-in speaker to dial phone numbers!
FiledirCM/XP/LZChris LawrenceLists all data files on all packs.
FilesCM/XP/LZDave WoolnoughFile examination utility.
FilexferLZ+PCPeter HunkelerExtensive file transfer utility.
FilmpsiLZMaxim FordLarge set of programs for camera operators for calculating shutter speeds, apertures, lenses, lighting, etc.
Finder 3.5CM/XPPeter HouppermansA replacement for the Find, Save, and Info main menu options.
FlbxxxxCM/XP/LZRovoreed Ltd.Set of utilities for dealing with block files - reading, writing, copying, deleting etc.
FlightsCM/XPGarry OffordProgram for keeping track of your personal flight information.
FuelLZ-Program for keeping track of fuel usage of a fleet of cars.
HworkLZSam LownScheduling program for homework tasks.
JPX5 Barcode ReaderCM/XP/LZVendataPrograms supplied with the JPX5 Barcode Reader by Vendata.
KhemLZRobert SchönePeriodic table of chemical elements.
List/EditCM/XP/LZAndy GrieveUtilities for making lists and storing them in files.
LoadLZ+PCFilip Van VoorenUtility for transferring a whole directory of OB3 files.
LockCM/XP/LZChris LawrenceLocks the Organiser with a password, and tracks failed login attempts.
LoginLZLennert SluykA password protection program
LottoCM/XP/LZDave WoolnoughLottery number generator.
MDir 3.0CM/XP/LZPeter HouppermansCreates a list of contents of all files on the Organiser.
MenuCM/XP/LZLennert SluykUtility for creating a menu from a datafile.
Money ManagerLZGraham GoaterProgram for monitoring personal income & expenditure for your current account and credit card.
Morse TutorLZJ. D. TarrantProgram for learning Morse code.
NamenLZLuc JanssensName and address book software.
NavliteLZPaul MillingtonNavigational aid for pilots, calculates distance and heading.
NotesLZZac SchroffNotepad enhancement that provides a submenu containing all notepad files.
PackmemCM/XP/LZChris LawrenceDisplays the exact amount of free space on each pack.
ParabolCM/XP/LZBjörn FeltenCalculate when a chosen geostationary satellite is in the direction of the sun.
Phone-XPCM/XP/LZDave WoolnoughLook up a name belonging to a phone number.
PiGenCM/XP/LZLennert SluykGenerates up to 250 digits of Pi.
Psi-GraphLZHenry HallamDisplays bar graphs.
RPN Calculator 1.2XP/LZGarry OffordA full featured RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator.
RPNCM/XPMick D.A very basic RPN calculator.
SatCM/XP/LZNick WaiteCalculates the direction of a geostationary satellite from any location.
SetupLZZac SchroffA setup utility for various system settings such as scroll delays and sound settings.
SortCM/XP/LZLennert SluykSort a datafile by any field.
Tob3CM/XP/LZ +PC-Transfers any OB3 (translated procedure) file.
Undelete v1.1CM/XPRovoreed Ltd.Undeletes any deleted file or record from a datapack.
Utilities for programmersCM/XP/LZVariousVarious small utilities - add/delete menu items, find out when next alarm is due, making a Trap Rampak, etc.
VersionCM/XP/LZ-Displays the organiser model and the Rom version number.
WclkLZP. EvansShows clocks and counts for swimming workouts for up to four sets.
World TimeCM/XP-A world clock, showing the time in a different time zone.
ZeitLZ+PCHåkan WallenthinSynchronise the LZ clock with the clock of a PC via the comms link.

Software for PC

Assembler DebuggerPCPsionA 6303 assembler, and a debugger. Includes source code to the Spelling Checker pack.
AssemblerPCBrian Smith, Peter VerlasA 6303 assembler, specific for the Psion, based on Peter Verlas's PCMAC macro assembler.
AtranPC?OPL compiler. Alternative to OPLTran in the developer kit.
Back It UpPCYellow Computing/WidgetSoftware for making backups to the PC. See the Manual.
bin2oplPC?Converts machine code into an OPL procedure.
CL 2.11PCPsionComms Link software for the PC, version 2.11. See the Manual.
CL for Mac zip sitMacPsionComms Link software for the Apple Macintosh. Place it in root directory, not on desktop.
MkIII CopierPCPsionSoftware used in conjunction with the Mark III Datapak Copier.
Diary LinkPCPsionExtension to the Comms Link software which is for saving diaries. See the Manual.
FDrive 1.9PCPsionFlashpak drivers, including the multiboot driver.
FileMakerPCHB Consultants & Widget SoftwareSoftware for creating and editing Psion data files.
FontsPCZac SchroffPrograms that set the font on a VGA screen to match the font of the Organiser.
OPL LintPCPsionA Lint tool for OPL files.
Organiser DeveloperPCPsionOrganiser Developer kit, with a simulator, OPL compiler, and programs for creating packs. See the Manual.
ORG-Link v2PClostgallifreyanA windows alternatice to the CL software, MAKE/UNMAKE from the Developer kit, and some other useful link functions.
PsiBackupPCBoris Cornet, PsionA GUI shell for using the make/unmake programs from the Developer kit.
Psi2WinPCBoris CornetA windows alternative to the CL software. (Previous version)
SFFD3 Datalogger v2.03PCDigitronLogging software for use with the Digitron SF10 or SF12.
Xing2PC v2.0PCMicrotimaSoftware for the PC to configure the MICROTIMA Series 4 Controller. Used in conjunction with a Psion LZ containing the PsiTex pack.