Jaap's Puzzle Page

Jaap's Puzzle Page Guestbook, Archive 6

Post:   652
Date:   Mon, 02 Jan 2023 05:36:48 GMT
Your name:   Zephyr
Your comment:   Your PolySolver is exactly what I needed to optimize the building placement in Spiritfarer. Thanks!

Post:   651
Date:   Sat, 26 Nov 2022 18:12:20 GMT
Your name:   barry
Your comment:   I have a mint Diamond Dilemma in the box never played with. I wonder how many of these are still around. mine is the one that says your chance to win £1 million.
I bought it because I collected puzzles back then.

Post:   650
Date:   Sat, 22 Oct 2022 18:59:23 GMT
Your name:   Vincent
Your comment:   Hi so for the Chasing the Lights solution for Lights Out, I've found pattern tables for 5x5 and 9x9, and was wondering if there were similar tables for 3x3,4x4,6x6,and 7x7 especially. Also just wanted to say magnificent work on all these puzzles throughout the years !!

Post:   649
Date:   Fri, 23 Sep 2022 13:42:46 GMT
Your name:   JUANAN
Website:   http://rubiks-puzzles.blogspot.com/
Your comment:   Congratulations for the best web for puzzle lovers.

Post:   648
Date:   Wed, 24 Aug 2022 14:25:36 GMT
Your name:   Char10439
Your comment:   It's pretty puzzling why you don't update your website.

Post:   647
Date:   Thu, 04 Aug 2022 00:21:22 GMT
Your name:   Samuel
Your comment:   Thank you for this website. I'm a 15 year old with a bad grasp of math but your website is a great resource for learning more about the puzzles I love.

Post:   646
Date:   Wed, 23 Feb 2022 15:14:18 GMT
Your name:   Justin Farley
Your comment:   Thanks for info on the Rubiks Missinglink puzzle

Post:   645
Date:   Wed, 09 Feb 2022 20:47:05 GMT
Your name:   tiago
Your comment:   Eu gostei muito do seu site! Párabens!

Post:   644
Date:   Tue, 08 Feb 2022 07:59:07 GMT
Your name:   Csaba
Your comment:   Ingenious page! Made my day.
Thanks a lot!

Post:   643
Date:   Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:26:36 GMT
Your name:   Jeanne
Your comment:   Dear Jaap,

Your site has helped me out of some difficult situations with some uncommon non-wca puzzles. Love the work you've put in here over the years.

Post:   642
Date:   Tue, 19 Oct 2021 02:11:10 GMT
Your name:   Chuck Conner
Your comment:   Had an original U.S. orb puzzle, lent it to a girlfriend, never got it back, have missed it for over 12 years.

Post:   641
Date:   Thu, 23 Sep 2021 22:17:52 GMT
Your name:   Linda McCracken
Your comment:   I am in New Zealand and have 'The Crazy Tantrix Puzzle' made by Mind Games Ltd in Christchurch. The set of ten pieces differs from those you show. They are not numbered but I have worked out the difference is that I don't have 31/13 BBYRRY, but have 40/12 RRYBYB instead. I made a ten tile red continuous loop but am unable to make a yellow or blue ten tile continuous loop. The instructions on the hexagonal box state, 'Try to make a loop of one colour by connecting together all the tiles.' It doesn't say this can be done with all three colours.
Why can I not find this exact set online?
Are there yellow and blue solutions for a ten tile continuous loop?

Post:   640
Date:   Mon, 14 Jun 2021 23:46:00 GMT
Your name:   Tyler P
Your comment:   Thank you for your Rubik's magic page! it helped me when designing and 3d printing my own Rubik's magic

Post:   639
Date:   Wed, 05 May 2021 17:17:11 GMT
Your name:   Matt Cooper
Your comment:   I just wanna say thank you for putting together this wonderful website. Very helpful.

Post:   638
Date:   Mon, 03 May 2021 09:53:16 GMT
Your name:   Terry Coates
Your comment:   I used to email you about maths subjects and you kindly responded. Are you willing and able to continue with this?

Post:   637
Date:   Tue, 30 Mar 2021 06:44:19 GMT
Your name:   Jim Kelsey
Your comment:   Have you ever taken apart the Whip It puzzle? I took mine apart tonight to oil it with some plastic specific for lubricating oil and a spring popped out. I cannot figure out where that goes and I cannot get one of the cylinders to rotate.

Post:   636
Date:   Sun, 14 Mar 2021 21:47:51 GMT
Your name:   Anne van Dijk
Your comment:   Jaap, die Rubiks puzzel is hopeloos. Aways one arm or leg the wrong colour at this point.

Post:   635
Date:   Thu, 11 Feb 2021 18:38:04 GMT
Your name:   TheRammer
Your comment:   Does this still work? Last update is dated 2014. It is 2021.

Post:   634
Date:   Wed, 16 Dec 2020 15:54:31 GMT
Your name:   James
Your comment:   Really nice site, I learned a lot about various puzzles and things. Keep it up!

Post:   633
Date:   Wed, 11 Nov 2020 11:37:50 GMT
Your name:   Gerrit Draaihaas
Your comment:   Jaap wat een absolute bazenpagina!

Post:   632
Date:   Thu, 29 Oct 2020 01:08:10 GMT
Your name:   Taylor Swindell
Your comment:   I think the corner calculations for the mastermorphix 1 and 4 color are incorrect. It should be 3^4 and not 3^8. This is because 4 of the corners are indistinguishable when orientated differently while the other 4 are distinguishable.

Post:   631
Date:   Mon, 19 Oct 2020 12:25:48 GMT
Your name:   Ed
Your comment:   Such a great resource, keep up the great work. Love the javascript solvers.

Post:   630
Date:   Mon, 19 Oct 2020 06:01:49 GMT
Your name:   Keith
Your comment:   Hi Jaap, great website. I came across it when looking up two old puzzles I have - Great Pyramid Puzzle and Diamond Dilemma. I have the gold solution for the latter if you would like it - it came from the publisher.

Post:   629
Date:   Sun, 11 Oct 2020 22:33:15 GMT
Your name:   Gabe E. Nydick
Your comment:   couldn't get polysolver to solve :(

Post:   628
Date:   Thu, 24 Sep 2020 14:55:07 GMT
Your name:   Robeto Nunes
Your comment:   Excellent website, actually a true guideline.

Post:   627
Date:   Mon, 07 Sep 2020 17:29:50 GMT
Your name:   Pierre B
Your comment:   Yor solution to the genius blue/red puzzle is invalid: there is a hole with three yellow lines in it...

Post:   626
Date:   Sat, 01 Aug 2020 03:39:37 GMT
Your name:   Someone
Your comment:   This is literally the worst guide I've ever read in my life

Post:   625
Date:   Wed, 29 Jul 2020 16:09:46 GMT
Your name:   JOSE A RUPEREZ
Your comment:    Your site is just wonderful!!! Congratulations and thanks for sharing that information!

Post:   624
Date:   Mon, 27 Jul 2020 15:36:32 GMT
Your name:   lucas pradlwarter
Your comment:   I wonder if you'd like to add my game to your excellent collection.
All info at : trinagon.com
I can send you a promo code for the full game or you could simply try / test the free challenge edition.
hope you like it :)
contact me if you have any questions or suggestions :)
thanks, cheers, lucas

Post:   623
Date:   Tue, 14 Jul 2020 18:58:17 GMT
Your name:   Stephen
Your comment:   Thanks for the solutions. I'm having trouble with the 3x4x5 one. Could you contact me to discus at all please?

Post:   622
Date:   Tue, 14 Jul 2020 03:46:30 GMT
Your name:   charl10439
Your comment:   Update your dang webpage! Uh testing one two three.V$B

Post:   621
Date:   Fri, 05 Jun 2020 19:20:27 GMT
Your name:   Per K Fredlund
Your comment:   Hi Jaap! It is noteworthy that the impossiball has the option of removing a single tile. Much like the V-sphere ...

Post:   620
Date:   Thu, 14 May 2020 22:18:40 GMT
Your name:   Taylan Ege Senkul
Your comment:   Amazing web site. I came across when searching about PSION. This web site really interesting. Thank you for all things!

Post:   619
Date:   Sun, 03 May 2020 11:02:41 GMT
Your name:   Vitaly Arkhipov
Your comment:   Hello !
Are you aware of the scrambles of those 376 Square One states that require 31 turns to build, which Shuang Chen discovered in 2017 in his analysis?
As you know, Herbert Kociemba shared millions of similar antipodes for the Rubik's Cube.

Post:   618
Date:   Fri, 13 Mar 2020 01:33:12 GMT
Your name:   Shakn
Your comment:   Your site is the reason why I keep studying programming, thank you!

Post:   617
Date:   Mon, 17 Feb 2020 19:47:58 GMT
Your name:   Han van der Heide
Your comment:   Ik zoek een Pyrix puzzel. Had er vroeger één maar die is verdwenen.

Post:   616
Date:   Mon, 17 Feb 2020 15:46:46 GMT
Your name:   Silvia John
Your comment:   Hi, I live in Germany and want to buy the Orbit. Can you let me know eher can I buy it or order it online? Thanks!

Post:   615
Date:   Wed, 29 Jan 2020 13:25:51 GMT
Your name:   Felix Nyman
Your comment:   this website has been of great use helping me program a Rubik's cube solver :)

Post:   614
Date:   Wed, 22 Jan 2020 10:48:51 GMT
Your name:   Graeme Johnston
Your comment:   The program is brilliant and has given me more enthusiasm to design and solve more puzzle. Can't say how wonderful it is and what a difference it has made to my otherwise boring life.

Post:   613
Date:   Wed, 15 Jan 2020 09:44:40 GMT
Your name:   Niels
Your comment:   Beste Jaap,
ik kwam je website tegen tijdens het lezen van wetenschappelijke literatuur: (doi:10.2142/biophysico.16.0_256). Kennelijk kan die snake puzzle staan als (een heel primitief) model voor hoe eiwitten zich vouwen. Erg leuk om te zien waar zo'n puzzel wel niet terecht komt!
Vriendelijke groet,

Post:   612
Date:   Sat, 11 Jan 2020 20:25:06 GMT
Your name:   Roy Redlich
Your comment:   I like to collect, make, and solve mechanical puzzles. My book "Handmade Puzzles" can be found on Amazon under Kindle books.

Post:   611
Date:   Sat, 28 Dec 2019 05:26:07 GMT
Your name:   Jack Edmonds
Your comment:   I designed Kwazy Quilt in 1956 in order to help pay for university. In New York City I got a martini lunch and a contract. I year later I saw it for sale, but Tryne Products told me that my contract could not be honored because Tryne was bankrupt. The 1957 version with a 3 coloring is probably hard to find now. Tryne at 1st did not honor my coloring ideas.
Your two "disconnected" solutions for the 4 color version make the puzzle interesting.
Question: Please tell me how many solutions are with each color connected?

Post:   610
Date:   Wed, 25 Dec 2019 19:40:20 GMT
Your name:   nick
Your comment:   found this in 2019 and it's still interesting! always loved these puzzles

Post:   609
Date:   Thu, 05 Dec 2019 07:19:25 GMT
Your name:   tp42
Your comment:   Came across your site few years back, when I was looking at puzzle game to make for a present. Was a grand find - still is! Since I messed up that time and did not make it I am taking another shot at it now. Had a bit trouble to find your site again - very glad that it still exists. All the best!

Post:   608
Date:   Mon, 02 Dec 2019 04:33:53 GMT
Your name:   John
Your comment:   Love the Bicube solution! Thanks!

Post:   607
Date:   Fri, 18 Oct 2019 18:32:52 GMT
Your name:   barry goetz
Your comment:   Thanks for your great site. I came across it in searching the web for think-a-dot. I have one from my youth (along with a Dr Nim) and I was showing it to my son. The gates are not so smooth now so we have a game with random errors. I also really appreciated your visual directory; I had a vulcan VL25 (later lights out) which I got as a demo unit at a consumer electronics show in the early 80's; I had forgotten the name but thanks to your site I found it again. Appreciate the work on analysis as well. Best regards

Post:   606
Date:   Wed, 28 Aug 2019 19:57:11 GMT
Your name:   Lucas Sousa
Your comment:   Hi Jaap! I love to study your site. If you can I did like to talk with about some concepts aboud God's Algorithms search, if you can. Please, answer in my e-mail. Greetings from Brazil!

Post:   605
Date:   Sat, 29 Jun 2019 15:08:45 GMT
Your name:   rcgldr
Your comment:   In the square 1 solve method 6, phase 2, c should be "bring it to UBR" position rather than "bring it to UFR" position. Or b. place DFL/DL first, then use move similar to c. to place DBL/DB second

Post:   604
Date:   Fri, 07 Jun 2019 13:11:02 GMT
Your name:   TheRammer
Your comment:   Really enjoy your site. Thank you!

Btw, I do not understand your notation for your TopSpin solution. Others use L and R; or a position number in the turntable for the key piece before the flip (eg. 1,3,3,1).

Post:   603
Date:   Sun, 21 Apr 2019 00:18:48 GMT
Your name:   Alex Randall
Your comment:   Told me the algorithms for the mirror blocks. PURE AWESOMENESS

Post:   602
Date:   Sat, 06 Apr 2019 21:37:05 GMT
Your name:   Chris Wilson
Your comment:   I won "The Great Pyramid Puzzle"

Post:   601
Date:   Sun, 17 Mar 2019 08:59:20 GMT
Your name:   Graeme Johnston
Your comment:   Many thanks for the information on this page. I have a version of Dorobo 5 cube puzzle all writing (except "Hanayama" and surprisingly "Made in China") is in an oriental script.

Post:   600
Date:   Sat, 16 Feb 2019 21:29:43 GMT
Your name:   Adam Giermek
Your comment:   Hi,
I like your page is very professional.
My name is Adam Giermek I am the inventor of spherexyz. My original design was 10 white tiles, five on each pole but no body could solve that puzzle. I would like find some body to do that. Please help me with that.
Thanks. Adam

Post:   599
Date:   Mon, 07 Jan 2019 17:08:53 GMT
Your name:   HyperBeast43
Your comment:   Why is there no gear ball?

Post:   598
Date:   Thu, 01 Nov 2018 19:58:56 GMT
Your name:   Michael Hebebrand
Your comment:   any way you could tell me where to buy more Spinout games?

Post:   597
Date:   Mon, 29 Oct 2018 22:45:34 GMT
Your name:   Egídio Pereira
Your comment:   I use a different notation with an index and an exponent. R index 2 means we turn de right 2 layers one quart. R^2 means a half turn

Post:   596
Date:   Sat, 22 Sep 2018 00:30:52 GMT
Your name:   Elena
Your comment:   I love the polyform solver! Great for solving puzzles and for finding sets in the first place.

Post:   595
Date:   Thu, 26 Jul 2018 10:38:53 GMT
Your name:   Nico
Your comment:   Hi there,

I got a problem with the Magic Master Edition.

The puzzle is in "starting position" but the rings are not matching.

I tried to solve it by myself and ended up trying for two days going back to starting position.

It would be great if you could help me.


Post:   594
Date:   Thu, 05 Jul 2018 09:53:55 GMT
Your name:   jopla
Your comment:   Beste Jaap, Mooie website, ik heb een probleem met een Rubic Magic en geen idee hoe ik hem weer op kan lossen. Het heeft steeds de vorm van een stoel of zo, maar ik krijg hem niet meer plat. Kan ik je een foto mailen en dat jij er eens naar kijkt wat de oplossing zou kunnen zijn?

Post:   593
Date:   Wed, 27 Jun 2018 07:30:51 GMT
Your name:   raine
Your comment:   A lot of thanks for every one of your work on this web page.

Post:   592
Date:   Tue, 03 Apr 2018 18:33:32 GMT
Your name:   Honey Crisp
Your comment:   I don't like this page. It ruins the fun of trying to solve it on your own!

Post:   591
Date:   Thu, 01 Mar 2018 14:13:30 GMT
Your name:   Jonathan Levy
Your comment:   Your page has helped me tremendously! I was looking for a way to connect cubes into a 3x3 array like puzzle pieces, and found that each piece could not be connected to all of its neighbors using tabs and holes. For instance, if you have a 2x2 cube arrangement, removing one cube is very difficult because of that cube's connections to the other 3 cubes in the arrangement -- likewise adding the 4th cube back into the 2x2 arrangement is very difficult. Using a Hamiltonian path should work beautifully with just the slight modification of connecting each end pieces to a nearby cube. Thank you very much.

Post:   590
Date:   Thu, 01 Mar 2018 12:12:04 GMT
Your name:   Pedro Víctor
Your comment:   Your page is fantastic.
Your colection, amazing. Thanks a lot for being such a generous person and congratulations for being so clever.
Best regards, Pedro

Post:   589
Date:   Thu, 25 Jan 2018 06:58:37 GMT
Your name:   Gary Bell
Your comment:   Has anyone else wondered why all the top speed cubists seem to be men? Other than Jessica Fridrich, I can't even name another top female cubist!

Post:   588
Date:   Sat, 06 Jan 2018 05:18:08 GMT
Your name:   Mike Carpenter
Your comment:   in tantrix comparing your page and wikipedia, piece 25 and 28 are reversed, ive built a tantrix machine in second life, i took the textures from the wikipedia, can you confirm which your page or wikipedia has the correct piece 25 and 28?

Post:   587
Date:   Thu, 14 Dec 2017 14:04:50 GMT
Your name:   João Boka
Your comment:   Muito obrigado saindo do Brasil. Abraços! 14/12/2017

Post:   586
Date:   Sat, 25 Nov 2017 05:38:56 GMT
Your name:   Ryan
Your comment:   This website helped me SO MUCH. I'm not sure how you have time for it all.

Post:   585
Date:   Wed, 22 Nov 2017 03:25:38 GMT
Your name:   charl10439
Your comment:   hmmm. I just found out that Dogic puzzle I sold for $2.00 years ago is worth about $500.00 now. That stinks! If I still had it, I'd put it back together and sell it.(It kept falling apart.)

Post:   584
Date:   Sat, 18 Nov 2017 17:48:04 GMT
Your name:   charl10439
Your comment:   I got me a copter cube. I'm a little disappointed though. Since it's a copter cube, I thought I could fly.

Post:   583
Date:   Fri, 17 Nov 2017 20:25:15 GMT
Your name:   Glenn Gordon
Your comment:   I am intrigued by the Diamond Dilemma puzzle. Any chance you have a file describing the pieces other than a picture? It is very tedious to measure each triangle. At first glance a solution to the final challenge seems within reach of a modern programmatic solver on modern hardware.

Post:   582
Date:   Thu, 09 Nov 2017 14:13:16 GMT
Your name:   SwissalpS
Your comment:   Hi, I am trying the corners first method you describe for the Rubik's Revenge.
I can solve the cube using layer by layer methods so it was easy to get the eight corners done. But when I get to the eighth side, it keeps muddling the already finished side on the bottom. What am I missing?

Post:   581
Date:   Sun, 22 Oct 2017 22:17:32 GMT
Your name:   Carter Tarrer
Your comment:   It's good to see your site again after all these years!

Post:   580
Date:   Sat, 22 Apr 2017 17:59:28 GMT
Your name:   Wen-Shan KAO
Your comment:   The highest left-right symmetry ?
2017/4/23 posted on my Facebook

Post:   579
Date:   Mon, 17 Apr 2017 09:18:19 GMT
Your name:   Marcel
Your comment:   Absolutely awesome work Sir.
I really like it.

Post:   578
Date:   Sat, 11 Feb 2017 16:05:50 GMT
Your name:   nerd
Your comment:   Your puzzle page is really great! Expecially the algorithms. You could add pictures though.

Post:   577
Date:   Mon, 23 Jan 2017 13:00:10 GMT
Your name:   Becky Davis
Your comment:   Please could you email me about an enquiry I have?

Post:   576
Date:   Fri, 06 Jan 2017 20:16:09 GMT
Your name:   Tim Gent
Your comment:   Hi Jaap - it's been a long time. My son Jack has been getting into Rubik's cubes (can do it in 90 seconds), and says he picked up some algorithms from this site. He was impressed when I could show him a photo of you being sprayed with champagne after finals! Tim

Post:   575
Date:   Wed, 28 Dec 2016 00:18:20 GMT
Your name:   Bill Kimberly
Your comment:   Great work! I plan to use the snake cube stuff to keep the kids at a local boys orphanage amused and occupied. If that works, perhaps I'll go deeper. Thanks, Jaap!

Post:   574
Date:   Tue, 29 Nov 2016 09:31:48 GMT
Your name:   JazzyWazzy
Your comment:   I'all need to check this website later!

Post:   573
Date:   Sun, 02 Oct 2016 11:43:58 GMT
Your name:   Johna421
Your comment:   This website was how do you say it? Relevant!! aakgbefccddd

Post:   572
Date:   Sun, 02 Oct 2016 05:21:50 GMT
Your name:   Gary Bell
Your comment:   Hi Jaap,

Just been wondering why you don't include Rubik's Snake/Rubik's Twist on your page. I realise of course that is more of a shape-making toy than a puzzle in the pure sense but nonetheless I remember books in the 1980s with instructions for many simple shapes. I had "Shaping Rubik's Snake by Albie Fiore and also "Simple Solutions to Cubic Puzzles" by James G Nourse which included a solution for the "ball" shape. I also remember another pretty and interesting flexi-cube called Shinsei Mystery.

Post:   571
Date:   Thu, 15 Sep 2016 21:19:12 GMT
Your name:   Ray Jerome
Your comment:   trying to run your lights out on a graph and no natter what I do I can't get Java to work. On many of your other pages you use javascript and none of those have any problems, use a few often. and I have used java in the past on this computer so I am at a loss as t owhy i can't get your page to run.

Post:   570
Date:   Sun, 11 Sep 2016 22:25:59 GMT
Your name:   Graham & Jess
Your comment:   Trying to find the purple sliding mind lock!

Post:   569
Date:   Mon, 20 Jun 2016 06:47:34 GMT
Your name:   Aaron Ellsworth
Your comment:   I just got my first 6x6 and solved it with your help! I especially like your algorithms for putting the centers together.

Post:   568
Date:   Sat, 18 Jun 2016 14:13:28 GMT
Your name:   Ben Doran
Your comment:   Thanks for your page on "the 15 puzzle"-- very entertaining and informative. Can I get permission to use your image of the 14/15 puzzle? I wanted to include it in a letter that I send to about 100 people each season. I would certainly share a link to your site so others could enjoy/explore as I did. Thanks.

Post:   567
Date:   Fri, 10 Jun 2016 22:14:37 GMT
Your name:   Doc
Your comment:   Do you have a solution for Fisher's Overlapping cube? I would appreciate some help in solving.

Post:   566
Date:   Sat, 04 Jun 2016 12:25:50 GMT
Your name:   Stephan Rosebrock
Your comment:   My wife gave me a super floppy yesterday. Now I am trying to understand the mathematics behind it. How do you apply the Burnside Lemma? Do you have generators for the symmetry group G? One cannot just take 90 degree turns of a side by placing the 2 corners over and under the middle, because they are empty. I tried it with (1,5,2,6), (2,7,3,8), (3,9,4,10), (4,11,1,12) but the group gets to big.

Post:   565
Date:   Tue, 12 Apr 2016 02:12:14 GMT
Your name:   Puzzle Dude
Website:   http://puzzledude.com
Your comment:   Just checking in to say hey to some fellow puzzlers :)

Post:   564
Date:   Wed, 06 Apr 2016 07:42:01 GMT
Your name:   Rachel
Your comment:   Hi I got the mini magic puzzles with the mouse climbing the cheese puzzle but sadly being a child lost the green puzzle part and im desperately trying to find one do you have any ideas where may be able to try find one

Post:   563
Date:   Thu, 17 Mar 2016 12:59:04 GMT
Your name:   Edgar Gueto
Website:   http://www.puzzlopia.com
Your comment:   Hello, I'm implementing Douglas Engel's Color Wheels puzzle (reproduced with permission). I'm interested in its God's number. I've seen here(turnstil page) that it is 13 for simpler versions. I'm thinking of implementing a solver to calculate it if no one has calculated it yet. Thanks in advance!

Post:   562
Date:   Fri, 19 Feb 2016 18:05:52 GMT
Your name:   Edgar G.
Website:   http://www.puzzlopia.com
Your comment:   Hello, this site is an inspiration for puzzle creators!
I'm also creating a much simple collection, by now mainly sliding block puzzles to play online (free)

Post:   561
Date:   Wed, 13 Jan 2016 17:07:52 GMT
Your name:   Jennifer Marvel
Your comment:   Thank you! The algorithms on the curvy copter worked perfectly. And they're so simple - directions are very easy to follow. Much appreciated!

Post:   560
Date:   Wed, 06 Jan 2016 20:52:16 GMT
Your name:   Ryan Klingler
Your comment:   This site is great and easier to understand than official ones like ruwix.com. thanks for the solving guides!

Post:   559
Date:   Fri, 25 Dec 2015 16:38:14 GMT
Your name:   George
Your comment:   This is a really useful website, I've got fairly fast at numerous puzzles thanks to this site. Many thanks!

Post:   558
Date:   Wed, 11 Nov 2015 17:08:15 GMT
Your name:   Michael Beach
Your comment:   Great website I love it. Thanks jaap.

Post:   557
Date:   Sun, 18 Oct 2015 16:50:27 GMT
Your name:   Guilherme Gilioli
Your comment:   Wonderful website! I'm beggining my collection, still have like 30 puzzles, but I love the weirdest puzzles and I use it as a guide to know which ones to buy.
Congrats from Brazil!

Post:   556
Date:   Thu, 17 Sep 2015 18:31:07 GMT
Your name:   Quuador
Your comment:   Hi,

I just want to say thanks for the awesome tutorials. I've used your tutorials for multiple of my puzzles. Especially for most of the older puzzles in my collection, or for the puzzles barely any people has. Your tutorials were an awesome help. Some examples of the tutorials I've used are:
- Ten Billion Barrel
- Rainbow Nautilus (I was able to solve it intuitively, but your algorithms are a lot better)
- Handy Mad Triad
- Turn'Push
- Tricky Disky (last two pieces)
just to name a few.

Keep up the good work!


Post:   555
Date:   Fri, 04 Sep 2015 12:26:47 GMT
Your name:   Gary Bell
Your comment:   Does anyone know if Herbert Kociemba is still maintaining his site? I can't get the link to work.

Post:   554
Date:   Mon, 17 Aug 2015 04:40:54 GMT
Your name:   Kevin
Your comment:   Hi, I've re-read the page on lights out and just can't figure out how to use the "quiet patterns" to determine if a pattern is solvable or not. can you add an example of how to use them.

I love your site, it's like the encyclopedia of puzzles.

Post:   553
Date:   Mon, 03 Aug 2015 05:45:26 GMT
Your name:   Gary Bell
Your comment:   Hi Jaap,

Just been idly contemplating another cube question.
I solve my standard 3x3x3 cube using a standard "beginners" layer method.
I can't get with speedcubing for three main reasons:
1) I lack the manual dexterity required.
2) I lack the special awareness, requiring several "looks" between steps to locate pieces.
3) I lack the memory to recall dozens of complex algorithms.
Having said all this, I now get to the crux of my question.
I can usually average 2 to 3 minutes for a solve and my best ever was 90 seconds, with a bit of luck on my side.
What times, with practice, could I reasonably expect to achieve using this method alone. I realise world record times are out of the question?

Post:   552
Date:   Sun, 02 Aug 2015 01:23:51 GMT
Your name:   steve gallagher
Your comment:   I was looking at your Top Spin solution. I worked out my own method last year which I believe is much shorter and simpler. You only need to use one of the four "rotate-3 pieces" routines and the max number of moves is 58. That includes flips as separate moves.

Post:   551
Date:   Tue, 14 Jul 2015 14:21:38 GMT
Your name:   Lakshmi Subramanian
Your comment:   Hello,
I have been amazed by this wonderful website. Thanks for creating it. I appreciate the time and effort put in to introduce the puzzle and detailed solution process. I am sure it was a lot of hardwork. It truly helps us puzzle fanatics. Many thanks.

Post:   550
Date:   Sun, 12 Jul 2015 11:08:46 GMT
Your name:   Pentti
Your comment:   I have solved the great pyramid puzzle at 1982. There is only one solution.

Post:   549
Date:   Thu, 11 Jun 2015 11:44:19 GMT
Your name:   Primož
Your comment:   Your page is amazing, it helped me very very much :)

Post:   548
Date:   Tue, 09 Jun 2015 18:15:33 GMT
Your name:   Gary Bell
Your comment:   I know that Rubik has solved the original 3x3x3 cube but do you know which others he may have solved. I ask this bearing in mind that he did not personally invent many of the puzzles now bearing his brand.

Post:   547
Date:   Thu, 28 May 2015 04:56:44 GMT
Your name:   Gary Bell
Your comment:   Is there any way other than solving corners first to avoid parity problems on the 4x4x4 or 6x6x6 cubes?

Post:   546
Date:   Tue, 05 May 2015 18:03:16 GMT
Your name:   Rivvy
Your comment:   Thank you very much for the Polyform solver.

Post:   545
Date:   Fri, 01 May 2015 22:00:05 GMT
Your name:   Gary Bell
Your comment:   I have wondered for a long time how copyright law impacts upon authors of cube solutions as I have noticed many repeat the same basic processes, especially for "beginner" solutions.

Post:   544
Date:   Wed, 08 Apr 2015 09:54:24 GMT
Your name:   Ian Moore
Your comment:   This website has the most amazing resources! I used it to solve the Insanity within 30 seconds of obtaining it, mostly to show off. Is it possible that you could make a Tuttminx tutorial?

Post:   543
Date:   Fri, 27 Mar 2015 21:10:01 GMT
Your name:   Rod Murufas
Website:   http://sourceforge.net/projects/rufascube/
Your comment:   guestbook url test...
Hi Jaap, here is a url for my iQube,
except it begins with https

Post:   542
Date:   Thu, 12 Mar 2015 16:12:26 GMT
Your name:   Rod Murufas
Your comment:   rufascube (easy to find at sourceforge ) is my software implementation of an iQube that works on Macs running OSX or PCs running GNU/Linux. I would enjoy getting feedback from serious puzzlers with computers.

Post:   541
Date:   Sun, 01 Mar 2015 17:18:52 GMT
Your name:   Tommy Räjert
Your comment:   Excellent article! (3x4x5) This was my first cuboid I have ever put my hands on, and it took me months to solve! All other instuctions I found was based on the 3x3x5, so I couldnt do it. I hadnt been able to solve the puzzle without this article. Thanks!

Post:   540
Date:   Mon, 23 Feb 2015 01:16:49 GMT
Your name:   Rod Murufas
Your comment:   By a meticulous study of your diagrams describing the iQube colors, I have just finished adding it to my virtual cube. I hope you have a Mac or Linux box on which you can try it. Search for rufascube on sourceforge.

Post:   539
Date:   Sat, 10 Jan 2015 07:41:32 GMT
Your name:   S. Park
Your comment:   Thanks for all the solutions to cube puzzles! It helped me a lot.

Post:   538
Date:   Sun, 21 Dec 2014 04:27:37 GMT
Your name:   james
Your comment:   Nice page but I have a puzle for you. I have a triangle puzzle that has 16 pegs in a 1'3'5'7 configuation and I can't work it out. Can you help? James T.

Post:   537
Date:   Fri, 12 Dec 2014 22:01:40 GMT
Your name:   rick greenford
Your comment:   Do you have the solution to the Gearball?

Post:   536
Date:   Tue, 09 Dec 2014 17:43:17 GMT
Your name:   berthram
Your comment:   hey very nice site jaap im from denmark
by the way

Post:   535
Date:   Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:31:28 GMT
Your name:   Joe
Your comment:   Hi - This is a comment on constrained 90 cube. I have Two Edges, and Two Corners out of place. Either...this is because my cube did not start with all centers at anti-clockwise. (3 were and the opposite sides were not) Or...your page is missing the two-corner, two-edge swap case. (Or, I missed that case on your page). Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Post:   534
Date:   Thu, 06 Nov 2014 02:22:02 GMT
Your name:   Mark Tomenes
Your comment:   can i apply group theory to a gear shift? i need a special problem, is this feasible? or is there someone who have done this?

Post:   533
Date:   Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:07:21 GMT
Your name:   Terence Coates
Your comment:   I have managed to solve the first snake with 11 straights, but not the second. Can you give me a clue - just the ends. Corner/Face. It seems rather odd that there is a "C" next to one end.

Post:   532
Date:   Thu, 18 Sep 2014 04:49:38 GMT
Your name:   Carl Ponder
Your comment:   I wrote the article "Solving a Generalization of Rubik's Cube" for the Journal of Recreational Mathematics back in the 90's.
I'd like to get have a Pyraminx Magic Tetrahedron and an Octahedron that work on the same principle (not the Trajbers construction). Does anyone have 3D-printer instructions to build one?

Post:   531
Date:   Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:21:49 GMT
Your name:   Evan Robinson
Your comment:   I had two flipped edges on the 3x3x3 Trabjer's Octahedron and it was driving me crazy. Thanks for the solution.

Post:   530
Date:   Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:19:38 GMT
Your name:   Gary Bell
Your comment:   Hi Jaap,
I have been solving my Revenge cube using your "pairing up edges" method and have sometimes hit both parity problems i.e. swap two "edges" and flip an "edge" at the same time. You provide separate sequences for each but is it possible to find a single sequence to correct both in one step?

Post:   529
Date:   Sun, 29 Jun 2014 14:09:40 GMT
Your name:   TomLenen
Your comment:   Thanks for your pages about Thistlethwaite's 52-move algorithm,I am doing homework.I need to write a program which can solve the Rubik's Cube.It is very nice of you to help me.Thanks a lot!

Post:   528
Date:   Mon, 23 Jun 2014 19:49:59 GMT
Your name:   lisa
Your comment:   I just put one of these puzzles together on my kid's WII. I remember playing with these when younger. I hated them... but where is a will, there is a way! Thanks for the info! I wonder what it was called!

Post:   527
Date:   Sat, 17 May 2014 05:25:06 GMT
Your name:   charl10439
Your comment:   If the rubik's domino puzzle is anything like domino's pizza then it's pretty good.

Post:   526
Date:   Fri, 09 May 2014 15:03:50 GMT
Your name:   sandy
Your comment:   Thanks for the rules to loophole! I bought the game at a thrift store for my grandkids w/o packaging.

Post:   525
Date:   Thu, 08 May 2014 12:41:45 GMT
Your name:   Tara
Your comment:   Just wanted to say the Tantrix Page is excellent! Fantastic and truly appreciated :o) Thank you.

Post:   524
Date:   Thu, 24 Apr 2014 06:20:41 GMT
Your name:   Lorna
Your comment:   Hi Jaap
I have a Rubiks Master edition that is stuck in an L-shape after a 7 year old got to it. I've spent hours trying to untangle it with no luck. Can you offer any clues as to how to untangle it? Many thanks.

Post:   523
Date:   Wed, 02 Apr 2014 21:27:30 GMT
Your name:   Barbara Ray
Your comment:   My frind has the Dodek Duo puzzle and my clients love it. Can't find it anywhere. Where can I get one?

Post:   522
Date:   Sun, 15 Sep 2013 21:03:58 GMT
Your name:   Terence Coates
Your comment:   Congratulations on writing a program to find all possible 3x3x3 snake cubes. I had wondered how many there could be and tried to devise such a program. My only thoughts would have meant an enormous amount of iterations (factorial 27). I wonder how you did it?

Post:   521
Date:   Mon, 12 Aug 2013 01:50:11 GMT
Your name:   Ray Jerome
Your comment:   great multi-size sam loyd puzzle solver. any chance to see the source code? I like your ability to move multiple pieces of a row or column all at once. Can you put in a move counter please? the box above wouldn't accept sites.google.com / site / rayjeromejobs / geocachinghobbies

Post:   520
Date:   Tue, 06 Aug 2013 14:21:27 GMT
Your name:   Fernando
Your comment:   My friend, your web is really incredible. I can't believe that a single person could offer such a giant amount of information. Thank you very much, from Argentina! By the way, where are you from?

Post:   519
Date:   Sun, 14 Jul 2013 18:22:21 GMT
Your name:   earlene bean
Your comment:   I have an original Trillion Puzzle (vintage, original, super sweet!) for sale on ebay right now. It's only at twenty bucks thus far. It's an original and is in GUC: however, there is some writing on the bottom. This is is the only flaw other than some minor scuffs on the plastic lid. GOto ebay and search Trillion Puzzle and my auction is under Earlenebean.

Post:   518
Date:   Sun, 07 Jul 2013 15:04:59 GMT
Your name:   jaap
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/
Your comment:   As with so many older puzzles, the only way to get one is by looking at auction sites like eBay, or by being lucky at a car boot sale or garage sale.

Post:   517
Date:   Sun, 07 Jul 2013 12:01:59 GMT
Your name:   Karen
Your comment:   Hello, I found your website, as I was looking for the Luminations triangle shape lighted toy, that you have answers for the different levels, wow! I was wondering if you know where I can find one, as I have one but one of the connectors is corroded, help! Thank you very much for any assistance. Karen

Post:   516
Date:   Wed, 19 Jun 2013 14:15:35 GMT
Your name:   melanie
Your comment:   my rubiks master magic broke, and i dont know how to interpret your 'how to string or restring' page. If I mail it to you, could you fix it?

Post:   515
Date:   Tue, 18 Jun 2013 14:36:36 GMT
Your name:   melanie
Your comment:   I am researching the Rubix Sheet Master edition (silver, 2x6, rainbow rings) for a school project and im wondering if you have any affliction with rubix or information for me. It seems that the oriental looking logo on mine is not helpful, and rubix.com isnt either.


Post:   514
Date:   Wed, 12 Jun 2013 21:36:57 GMT
Your name:   Hagai Izenberg
Website:   hxxp://www.livesudoku.com
Your comment:   I love your collection of puzzles !!

Post:   513
Date:   Mon, 06 May 2013 12:01:04 GMT
Your name:   juergen
Your comment:   Dear Jaap,

I have a small comment on your strategy for the `Face-turning Octahedron', phase 3: In order to arrange the centre pieces, I use (UFUF')^6. This algorithm brings the centre piece on the L face, r layer to the U face, and it brings the centre piece on the U face, l layer to the L face. It does not exchange the named pieces but does not affect corners, edges and centre pieces on other faces (and it leaves the other centre pieces on the L and U faces on these faces). I prefer this move because I find turning middle layers more cumbersome than turning sides.

Best wishes, Juergen

Post:   512
Date:   Tue, 16 Apr 2013 17:57:53 GMT
Your name:   Krystal
Your comment:   I got my boyfriend a qj super square one puzzle cube. He is having the worst time trying to solve this. I looked through all the cubes you have on this site and you do not have it. If you this cube up or find it, can you email me?? I feel bad about getting a cube that he can not solve!

Post:   511
Date:   Sat, 23 Mar 2013 15:39:41 GMT
Your name:   tadeas miler
Website:   hxxp://www.hlavolam.maweb.eu
Your comment:   Hi Jaap,

is there any chance that you would add my site to your links section?

Post:   510
Date:   Wed, 20 Mar 2013 21:31:34 GMT
Your name:   rookie
Your comment:   I have had a Nintendo Billion Barrel for many years without knowing what it was called or where it came from. Thanks for this great community service!

Post:   509
Date:   Tue, 12 Mar 2013 06:15:48 GMT
Your name:   Bond King
Your comment:   Hi Jaap,
It is real amazing that you have got such a great collection!Thank you for the solutions you put on this web,it did help me a lot when I got puzzled.
Hope you have more and more cubes!

Post:   508
Date:   Sat, 23 Feb 2013 13:29:00 GMT
Your name:   Maanik
Your comment:   I really like your site. You seem to have put a lot of research and work into this.. have you solved ALL of the puzzles listed? I can barely manage my rubik's 5x5x5!

Great work on the site!! I found out about a lot of new puzzles I hadn't even heard of, on your site.


Post:   507
Date:   Sun, 27 Jan 2013 02:46:05 GMT
Your name:   Brandon Enright
Website:   hxxp://www.brandonenright.net
Your comment:   Your puzzle page and especially your articles are a wonderful asset and the incredible amount of work you've put into it over the years in greatly appreciated.

Post:   506
Date:   Fri, 18 Jan 2013 16:55:25 GMT
Your name:   Matt King
Your comment:   The snake cube section and javascript program should really include the option for 4x4x4 snake cubes. They aren't uncommon.

Post:   505
Date:   Sat, 05 Jan 2013 21:47:42 GMT
Your name:   les shader
Your comment:   I just noted version 1.65 of LO on a graph.You must have worked on it today.
l was having all kinds of problems. But now every thing works well.

Post:   504
Date:   Thu, 03 Jan 2013 03:50:43 GMT
Your name:   Luann suniaLuannsss
Your comment:   Could you please tell me how I could get a missing link puzzle

Post:   503
Date:   Thu, 27 Dec 2012 19:59:30 GMT
Your name:   David
Your comment:   Great website. Particularly like the stuff on group theory related to The Cube. Thanks for listing the subgroups.

Post:   502
Date:   Tue, 18 Dec 2012 18:23:38 GMT
Your name:   jaap
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/
Your comment:   Hi Les,

Last weekend I updated my applets, including LO on a Graph. I have changed the upload/download parts, so now you can make subdirectories and store graphs in them. I made a subdirectory called Les, and moved all your files to it.

Unfortunately, the older versions of the applet will not see the subdirectories, so you have to make sure you are using the latest version, which is now version 1.6. The version number is displayed at the bottom left corner of the applet.

If your browser is still picking up the older version and not downloading the new one, you will probably need to clear the browser cache.

In the Internet Explorer browser, choose the Tools menu, Internet Options, then choose the General tab, the Browsing History Delete button, and click OK.

In the Firefox browser, this can be done by pressing Ctrl-Shift-Delete, then select the 'everything' option, and under Details select only the "Cache" option, and click OK.


Post:   501
Date:   Tue, 18 Dec 2012 16:22:27 GMT
Your name:   leslie e. shader
Your comment:   I can only get 6 graphs to download from7?BUD the shared file

Post:   500
Date:   Mon, 17 Dec 2012 05:28:53 GMT
Your name:   David Ang
Your comment:   One of the best resources for twisty puzzles. Besides twisty puzzles and shapeways, speed solving, this is one of the place I recommend collectors. But it is hard to keep up with all the new puzzles that is coming along. How will you compute the steps for those puzzles with jumbling mode like curvy copter, bauhinia puzzles and some asymetrical puzzles like Dayan Bermuda series.

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